Seminar - Thesis Examination..Tips (PART 2)

Do Not Give Your Examiner Any Easy Excuses To Growl About Your Thesis!

Some of the excuses are:

  • Proofreading.

Try This Little Poem For Size:

(Found On The "Caffeine" Coffee Machine)


I Have A Spelling Checker,
It Came With My Pc;
It Plainly Marks Four My Revue Mistakes I Cannot Sea.
I've Run This Poem Threw It,
I'm Sure Your Pleased Too No,
Its Letter Perfect In It's Weigh,
My Checker Tolled Me Sew.

Silly as it is, such rubbish is all too common and an observant examiner will "Murder" you for that. Exceptionally common mistakes are those that confuse.

The mistakes were very obvious in this case:

I Have A Spelling Checker,
It Came With My Pc;
It Plainly Marks Four My Revue (For ... Review)
Mistakes I Cannot Sea. (See)
I've Run This Poem Threw It, (Through ...)
I'm Sure Your Pleased Too No, (You're... To Know)
Its Letter Perfect In It's Weigh, (It's... Its Way)
My Checker Tolled Me Sew. (Told... So)

  • Overdoing Yourself

Don't try to sound clever or important! (Leave that to the Politicians).

Avoid Verbosity:

Examples -
The wider range of examples which is at present being studied will also be necessary for evaluation of the practical utility of the method." (From a Paper submitted to the Journal Of The Chemical Society)

Actually means (Something Like) - "Doing more to see if they are of any use."

Avoid Tautology:

Examples -
"... In exactly the same way as described previously..." Should merely be stated "As Before"

"... Yellow in Colour ..." Should be merely stated as "Yellow - Yellow is a colour"

".. At 4 A.M. in the morning " A.M. already meant "In The Morning" Should merely be at "4 A.M."

Basically you are required to write correctly and succinctly, employing appropriate terminology, and you should not be perceived as "Grandstanding".

